radio programs and television broadcasts and in theory investigates
complaints although several complaints alleging partisanship or unfair blackouts, say of election candidates, were ignored. In one particularly striking case, the party jingle of the ruling party PDP has
been used as the broadcasting opening and closing signature tune
by a state broadcasting station (Osun state). This hardly represents
fairness and respect for a diversity of views.
Individual scores:			

2; 1; 3; 1; 2; 3; 1; 2; 2; 1; 2

Total score:				


Average score:			


3.4 The body’s decisions on licensing in particular are informed 		
by a broadcasting policy developed in a transparent and 		
inclusive manner.
Policies are not developed in an inclusive or transparent manner in
that there is regular interference by the government in the state
media where administrators are sometimes appointed to run their
affairs. The Boards appointed by government exist to protect and
promote the interests of government. The composition of the board
as well as manner of appointment contradicts transparency and inclusiveness.
There is also no right of appeal against the non-issuing of licenses
and not even a right for information. In the end the President has
the prerogative to decide.

African Media Barometer - Nigeria 2008			


Select target paragraph3