State of Broadcasting and
Digital Migration in the Region

Private Sector

Supply STBs at reasonable price to consumers


Supply quality STBs and ancillary equipment for best reception


Have full back up services for transmission hardware supplied


Provide adequate skills transfer to local technical staff


Partner government in PPPs in a win-win arrangement

Content service Providers – Broadcasters

Air exciting relevant content. The content should offer highly desirable benefits that go far beyond
what is obtainable through the existing analogue services for consumers to be triggered into
spending money on STBs. The content must be enriching and appealing.


Pay content producers fairly and on time


Accommodate divergent national views


Give balanced coverage to all political actors

Signal Distributors

Provide uninterrupted transmission


Maintain transmission charges to broadcasters low for broadcasting business to remain viable


Coordinate proper installation of consumer receive equipment for best reception


Properly operate call centres to deal with reception concerns


Establish effective remote monitoring to detect breakdowns in transmission as they occur


Should establish STB service centres easily accessible to consumers

Civic Society

Conduct public awareness on DBM to complement government efforts


Conduct educational programs on consumer protection on STBs,


Develop taste for local content.


Appreciate the DBM project and embrace it


Select target paragraph3