State of Broadcasting and
Digital Migration in the Region


To put mechanisms to provide STBs to the underprivileged .South Africa to provide 5 million
free STBs to poor households, Namibia, Zambia and Swaziland subsidised the STBs, Zimbabwe
and Botswana offered no subsidies, Zimbabwe has not even started selling STBs to consumers.

Digital Broadcasting Migration and Human resources development
The digital TV migration redefined the media industry and the skills needed realignment to suit the
new digital era demands .Governments and media industry had to ensure that there is adequate
human capacity development in relation to DBM. The vast capacity created by the digital migration
requires a lot of content. Quality exciting content is key to the success of any content service provider.
The following measures were therefore put in place:

Facilitated review of curriculum in tertiary education to incorporate issues of digital
terrestrial television


Reviewed the existing curricula in higher education institutions that deal with creative arts
to enhance content development


Refresher courses carried out for technicians, engineers , producers and other media practitioners


Funding was provided by governments for local content creation e.g. Zim Digital project. The
quality of the content that is coming out of the initiative still needs a lot of polishing to appeal
to the consumers. The Zimbabwe Film School, and other local universities now offer Film and
Theatre Arts studies in line with the thrust to create quality local content.

Stakeholder roles for successful dbm

Putting enabling legal framework for smooth implementation of DBM across ministries


Provide financing for the project from internal resources and Public Private Partnerships


Separation of content service provision from signal distribution so that broadcasters compete
on content and not on delivery platform.


Create safety nets for the disadvantaged in society by way of subsidies, and tax concessions on
the STBs.


Issue licences to competent content service providers and not based on political dynamics so
that genuine pluralism of players and diversity of content is attained.


Create even playing field for new entrants , private broadcasters and public broadcasters


Protect local broadcasters from possible foreign dominance


Conduct massive public awareness on DBM before ASO


Enforce minimum of 12 months guarantee on STBs to protect consumers.


Select target paragraph3