State of Broadcasting and
Digital Migration in the Region

Table 03: DTT Migration Challenges and interventions employed



1. Unavailability of decoders

Facilitate the market for generic
DVB-T2 decoders

2. Mass communication and national
DBM program awareness

Establish a concerted drive in collaboration
with all key and critical stakeholders.
Drive DTV messaging between
suppliers, broadcasters, consumers and
align communication to the national
digital migration rollout plan.

3. Slow uptake of subsidised STBs

Expedite subsidised decoder installations
to conclude distribution and installation
of government subsidy program

4. Broadcast network configuration

Sentech the signal carrier to optimise
network to cater for all households
in an equitable manner.

5. Viewer support

Walk in centres being established in localities
to directly serve communities. Expanding
the local municipality base on registration
, installations and first line support

6.6 Key elements causing Digital Broadcasting Migration delay in South Africa

Encryption debate took too long to be resolved and therefore delayed specifications of STBs


The high decoder production costs affected availability and affordability of decoders


Fundamental deficiencies in project management lead to accountability gaps and disjointed


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