State of Broadcasting and
Digital Migration in the Region


Households that earn less than R3 200 are set to get STBs for free upon registration. The
government subsidy program targets to supply free decoders to about 5 million households


As at March 2020 only 1 109 965 households had registered to get free STBs. A massive 3 590 035
were yet to register. More than 400 000 STBs and antennas from the initial batch of 1.5 million
were still piled in warehouses across the country waiting to be given to qualifying registered
households and the target of 5 million households was still way off.

Analogue Switch Off and Digital Dividend Spectrum licencing

18 high power analogue sites have been switched off


The Square kilometre Array (SKA) region in the Northern Cape has been cleared from all
analogue transmissions


Policy direction was published in July 2019 to enable the regulator to begin licencing the 700800 MHz dividend spectrum

Household connection Approach to achieve Analogue Switch Off by 2021
Phase 1: to complete installations for existing subsidy stock through local government collaboration.
The local government has been mandated to carry out the following tasks:

Registration of qualifying households


Distribution of STBs


Installation of STBs and antennas


Post installation support

a. Phase 2: A combined industry wide participation and direct government limited procurement

Promotion of mass decoder availability and integrated digital TVs


Implementation approach based on early digital dividend spectrum release


Supplement with existing commercial products


Select target paragraph3