There is also the Writers’ Association of Botswana (WABO), which has a broader
scope encompassing all literary writers.
A lack of financial resources has incapacitated these associations and
organisations. Additionally, fragmentation among media professionals is
prevalent, ‘there is no activism culture in Botswana and we no longer have target
goals.’ All these points feed into an environment in which the media fraternity is
unable to effectively and cohesively represent its interests.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:






2.2 (2005 = 3.6; 2007 = 4.3; 2009 = 2.6;
2011 = 1.3; 2014 = 2.4)

4.5 Journalists and media houses have integrity and
are not corrupt.
‘I wish to say we are 100% clean, but we are not. We are starting to hear that a
lot of our journalists are being compromised. There are allegations that several
journalists are allegedly partisan and active at political level.’
‘Intimidation [of political factions and opposition parties] now plays out in the
mainstream media, so you can see which newspaper leadership belongs to
which political party.’
‘When people are not paid decent[ly] they become vulnerable; or when people
are not sure when they will be paid and someone comes with an envelope [of
money], they are more likely to take bribes.’ Occasionally, there are allegations
of journalists being paid by the DISS to influence editorial content and for the
purpose of surveillance. ‘When you talk money trails with DISS and media people
involved, proving any misconduct is close to impossible.’
‘Sometimes even managers within the newsrooms are involved...then it becomes
quite problematic to hold anyone to account.’
In 2014, there was a case where integrity was compromised by a very powerful
force in the private sector. Mmegi newspaper carried out a successful investigation



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