Regulatory Act of 2012. While this act specifically governs the broadcasting
media, its contents reflect how state media dominates and is safeguarded.’
The new law established the BOCRA, ‘and it separated public and community
media. Since then, we were not allowed community media. The legal framework
under the Broadcasting Act [of]1998 provided for a three-tier system and
was, at least in theory, conducive to the promotion of the diversity of outlets.
The Communications Regulatory Act replaced public broadcasting with state
broadcasting, and only allows for state and commercial broadcasters.’21
Public media (publicly funded, non-partisan media reporting in the interest of the
public), does not exist in Botswana. In Botswana, the state media dominates in
both the print and broadcasting media.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:






1.2 (2005 = n/a; 2007 = n/a; 2009 = 1.1;
2011 = 1.6; 2014 = 1.3)

2.7 All media fairly represent the voices of both women
and men.
‘There is no equal representation...but I am tempted to say that there has been an
improvement in the representation of women in the form of increased availability
of relevant content.’
In the past, especially in government media, the majority of positions were held
by men, while women were regarded as being ‘good for fashion reporting.’
In the radio broadcasting space, a lot of content is .’..leaning more [towards]
females,’ a male media practitioner explained, ‘especially from the ‘targeted
market point of view. The media houses position themselves to capture the
female demographic by presenting content in a way that attracts women because
this demographic was traditionally regarded as being able to decide a product
purchase choice while lacking the buying power. Issues relating specifically to
women – celebrations and specific days, such as discussions on gender-based
violence (GBV) or Mother’s Day, receive the largest coverage on radio.’
21 Communications Regulatory Authority Act 2012 No 19 of 2012, Definitions.



Select target paragraph3