Defence Forces (BDF) to renovate his private residence were blocked by security
agents when they attempted to visit the home and warned that they would be
shot if they would ever dare to return.
In another incident, the hotel room of Al Jazeera journalists covering a story
in Botswana was broken into and their materials stolen the night before their
departure, preventing them from publishing the story. The local ‘fixer’ the Al
Jazeera reporters had hired was ‘known to be DISS.’

Freedom of Expression in a Partisan Environment
Besides of the climate of fear ‘partisan politics have hogged that [freedom of
expression] space.’ The media tend to report ‘on topics in a partisan way.’ Media
practitioners dealing with a precarious job market make choices between their
professional ethics or ‘being hungry’, and therefore ‘fear to express themselves
in a manner that a journalist should’ so as not to jeopardise their private business
endeavours and access to government tenders.
‘Newsrooms are so politicised’ with media houses ‘aligning themselves to specific
political parties.’
‘An editor was flushed out as a DISS officer’ by another paper, explained a print
editor; even in their ‘own newsroom [they] cannot operate freely.’
Generally, in the public space, the ‘discourse is divided’ along party lines. The
lack of open support for a party was automatically seen as opposing the party.
Citizens went as far as to refrain from supporting a movement for improved
service delivery if such a campaign was organised by the ‘wrong’ party.

Freedom of Expression Exercised
Despite all of this, some people appeared confident enough to share information
on air and online, which most would be afraid to share. Journalists/presenters
who do so are however, ‘often not taken seriously.’ Generally, citizens feel freer
to express themselves via social media platforms ‘but they are watched.’

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:







2.0 (2005 = 1.9; 2007 = 1.9; 2009 = 1.3;
2011 =1.8; 2014 = 2.6)



Select target paragraph3