became the head of state. The powers of the Directorate were never very clearly
defined, leaving room for their misapplication.
‘At many occasions,’ the former Director General of the Directorate publicly
stated that ‘my officers are everywhere.’ At one point the then Minister of Home
Affairs made a public announcement that incognito intelligence officers/police
would be sent to the so-called ‘fire churches’3 which ‘mushroomed’ a few years
ago. This statement instilled even more fear among the Batswana.
During a public health rally designated as a ‘neutral environment’ organised by
the Botswana Council of Churches (BCC), rumours spread that DISS officers were
present, which caused ‘the atmosphere to change completely...people started
being very cautious...’
In another incident, a DISS official revealed himself as an intelligence officer
during a workshop on gender issues; ‘they are everywhere...’
In April 2018, former Minister of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and
Energy Security, Sadique Kebonang, at a Public Accounts Committee (PAC)4
session investigating the National Petroleum Fund (NPF) money laundering case,5
acknowledged that .’..we all fear the DISS.’
In their attempt to circumvent possible surveillance, high-level officials from
government prefer to talk to their lawyers through ‘WhatsApp’, explained a

Freedom of Expression and the Media
‘The media space had been closed by the former president [Ian Khama].’ Besides
the government media, privately-owned media houses exist but there is ‘little
freedom.’ It is felt that private media does not have the freedom to publish what
the government may be ‘unhappy about.’
Due to an underlying fear, all private radio stations air a disclaimer noting that
the views expressed during their programmes are not necessarily in line with the
views of management, presenters and advertisers. ‘Domkrag’,6 had programmes
that are ‘a waste of money and time but we can’t say that. Public criticism of the
government will lead to dismissal.’
In 2017, three journalists from the INK Centre for Investigative Journalism
looking into allegations that former President Ian Khama was using the Botswana



‘Vibrant and promised filled evangelical churches started and led mainly by self-proclaimed prophets and apostles...’
A parliamentary committee with the mandate to examine the accounts of government departments and associated
Asset manager Bakang Seretse and other business associates are accused of defrauding the National Petroleum Fund
(NPF) of more than US$25 million. Former President Ian Khama and then Vice President (now President) Mokgweetsi
Masisi allegedly benefited from the money.
Domkrag means ‘stupid power’ and is used as derogatory term for the ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP).


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