Finally, the technological environment witnessed a significant infringement
on the freedom of expression (online) when government implemented a
partial internet shutdown from 12th-14th August. The shut-down had several
consequences such as the disruption of business and commercial
operations that rely on the internet, security compromise as citizens
resorted to the use of VPNs- especially free versions and increased spread of
false news/speculation. On a positive note, the technological environment
witnessed extensive use of digital tools for election campaigning and media
communication as well as a slight increase in the number of media outlets.
Overall, the quarter did not witness any extreme, significant developments,
save the technological environment. This shows a continuation of similar
trends from the second quarter.

5.0. Recommendations
i. Safeguarding the sustainability of media enterprises
Given the negative economic trends observed throughout the year
and the fluctuations during the quarter under review, it is critical
that financial support initiatives are created for the media sector.









Information and Broadcasting to develop a package of incentives
such as tax and non-tax considerations in the 2022 budget. These
could include waivers on broadcast and ICT equipment for media
purposes and tax exemptions to help the sector recover.
ii. Public media reform
There is need to reform the state media houses into public media
that truly represent the wider society, including divergent views,
even those deemed to be critical of the State. There should be
reform of the board appointment processes and governance model
to guarantee autonomy and independence, there must be review of
the funding mechanism to ensure sustainability.
iii. Need for professionalism and adherence to media ethics


Select target paragraph3