3.3. Technological environment The technological environment experienced a major set-back in the quarter under review which consequently darkened the outlook, as noted by most of the respondents. On the poll day, 12th August, Zambia experienced a social media blockade or shutdown, characterised by either intermittent access or complete blackout in most areas of the country on all Internet Service Provider Networks21 while selected websites remained accessible. There was no official government communication on the social media shutdown other than threats issued by the Ministry of Information Permanent Secretary two days before the poll as reported in most media outlets. For example, the Lusaka Times22, reported: The government has admitted that it may shut down the internet if Zambians fail to correctly use cyberspace during this year’s election. Lusaka Times last week exclusively revealed that the government has resolved to shut down the internet from Thursday, the voting day until Sunday, a day after vote-counting is are expected to be concluded Government through Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga immediately issued a statement dismissing the report and described it as malicious. But Mr. Malupenga has u-turned and admitted that an internet shutdown is an option. Mr Malupenga charged that government will not tolerate abuse of the cyberspace by Zambians. He added that if there is any mischief in the use of the internet and those found wanting might end up inconveniencing not only themselves but the rest of the country when government invokes the necessary laws. 21 The researcher undertook a test of five sites (Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Telegram and Signal) on three different networks (Liquid Telecom, Airtel Zambia, MTN Zambia) using the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) Probe on 12th and 13th August, which revealed that 4 out of the five tested sites were blocked. 22 10th August, 2021. See https://www.lusakatimes.com/2021/08/10/government-may-shut-down-internetduring-voting-period-malupenga/ 30