Above: survey response on whether respondent’s media house received political ads

During the quarter, there were no instances of electricity loadshedding
(other than scheduled maintenance shutdowns) as observed in previous
quarters. Media houses, thus, had stable supply of electricity and did not
have to use alternative sources such as solar and generators which are
usually more costly alternatives.
Overall, the economic environment in the quarter under review posted a
more positive outlook compared to the second quarter. The quarter
witnessed a notable improvement in economic activity, appreciation of the
currency (which translated into lower cost of inputs), stable electricity








developments eased the burden born by the media in the previous quarters
which experienced a gloomy economic outlook. Notwithstanding, however,
the COVID-19 pandemic still remained rife for the most part of the quarter,
thereby constraining media operations to a certain extent. Further, while the
developments in the quarter were mainly positive, a high level of uncertainty
remains with regard to sustainability of this economic trajectory, with
certain variables resuming an upward trend at the close of the quarter,
albeit marginal.


Select target paragraph3