3.0. Trends

Socio-political environment

The social-political environment in the quarter under review was eventful
given the activities leading up to the general elections in August.

There was only one recorded incident of political violence against a media
practitioner in the quarter, a trend which has lessened in comparison to
previous quarters as highlighted in the second quarter State of the Media
Report. On 23rd July, Victor Mwila, the Ikelen’gi District Information Officer
was attacked by UPND cadres. The journalist sustained injuries and lost a
camera, mobile phone and cash. The incident was condemned by Ministry of
Information Permanent Secretary, Amos Malupenga; including MISA
Political violence against media practitioners must be nipped in the bud as it
undermines the functions of the media in society by instilling selfcensorship. Self-censorship (for fear of political retribution) compromises the
journalist’s professional editorial judgement in protecting public interest.


Select target paragraph3