country. There are also about 11 registered media associations.
However, most of the media associations are weak and not effective.
It was also noted that most of the civil society organisations including media associations rely to a great extent on foreign funding.
This reliance makes it askance as to whose agenda they may be
The civil societies and media lobby groups are now forging strategic
links. At the moment there is a coalition of 11 media and human
rights organisations that are spearheading the lobby for legal reforms in the issue of access to information, freedom of expression
and of the media.
Individual scores: 			

3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 3, 3, 3

Average score: 			

2.7 (2006= 2.8)

Overall score for sector 1:

2.2 (2006= 2.1)

African Media Barometer - Tanzania 2008			


Select target paragraph3