Sector 2:

The media landscape is characterised by diversity, 		
independence and sustainability.

A wide range of sources of information (print, 			
broadcasting, Internet) is available and affordable to 		

The media landscape in Tanzania is the most vibrant in the region
with a wide variety of dailies (18) and weekly newspapers (41), television and radio stations. However, most of the media outlets are
urban based and rural populations have very limited access to the
media with the exception of radio.
Circulation of newspapers is still low and there are difficulties in
the distribution of newspapers in rural areas. Also the high level of
illiteracy contributes to limited access to newspapers.
The low purchasing power of the people means that not many people can afford to purchase newspapers, radio or TV sets. Also to
consider is that electricity covers less than 10 per cent of the country and as such access to Television and internet is very limited.
It was noted that women’s access to the media is even more limited
than men due to economic and socio-cultural barriers. In Zanzibar
where community watching of television has been practised for a
long time, women still do not have access to such forums.
The panellists noted that mobile phones are emerging as an important medium of mass communication and issues surrounding the
mobile phone as an emerging media need to be further explored.


African Media Barometer - Tanzania 2008

Select target paragraph3