SECTOR 4 4.3 The media cover the full spectrum of events, issues and cultures, including business/economics, cultural, local and investigative stories. Overall, the media cover a broad spectrum of issues. The print media in particular have shown greater consistency in following up on stories, and providing analysis and editorial comment. Investigative stories, however, are missing. “You find that you have one investigative piece after a long time. I should get my Times on Sunday and know there will be investigative pieces.” There are limitations to investigative journalism in Swaziland. “You are going to struggle “ You are to find people to confirm stories.” “I would like to believe that the media do investigative stories but only to a certain level. Investigation needs time. You cannot produce an investigative story on a daily basis.” Swazi TV tends to have documentaries rather than investigative news stories: “You have to follow people around to comment on a particular issue. With print media you can get them to comment on the phone. Most people shy away from TV.” going to struggle to find people to confirm stories.” SBIS lacks the experienced and well-trained producers and presenters to dig for stories. “If you are doing a story on the central bank, you need to be able to understand a balance sheet and interpret that into the story.” There are journalists who are good enough to break stories, but not those “who are good enough to follow up on the stories”. Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator. 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: 3.7 (2009: 3.7; 2007: 2.8; 2005: 3.4) AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER SWAZILAND 2011 61