SECTOR 3 Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator. 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: 1.1 (2009: 1.8; 2007: 1.0; 2005: 1.0) 3.5 Office bearers with the state and political parties, as well as those with a financial interest in the broadcasting industry, are excluded from possible membership on the board of the state/public broadcaster. The STA Act requires that representatives of the ministries responsible for television and broadcasting, finance, education, and commerce and industry fill four of the eight seats on the STA board. The minister responsible for television appoints the other four board members, including the chair. In terms of the draft Public Broadcasting Bill, the information minister will appoint the members of the board that will govern the new broadcaster to be formed by the merger of the SBIS and Swazi TV. Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator. 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: 46 AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER SWAZILAND 2011 1.0 (2009: 1.4; 2007: 1.3; 2005: 2.2)