Journalists on the panel said media try to approach women for comment, but
women are not always willing to speak out. “Whenever I have been approached
I have spoken out,” replied a female panellist, suggesting that she was not
approached very often, despite being a prominent civil society activist. “Women’s
voices abound in traditional female roles. At a political level it is less so. The media
is reflecting society in that respect.” There is a severe gender imbalance among
decision makers in the country, which limits the number of potential female news
sources: only nine of the country’s 95 parliamentarians are women, while ministers
and heads of companies tend to be male. “But more women are becoming more
up-front, more women are becoming newsmakers. Therefore, society is changing.”
Considerable effort has been made to sensitise and put pressure on editors to
make their coverage more gender sensitive. “We have encouraged reporters to
look for the woman’s voice in stories. ... We have the activist women who want
to have a say. But there are other women in this society who it’s difficult to get
comment from. They don’t understand how the media operates, or they are taught
that women shouldn’t have a say.”

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.4 (2009: 3.1; 2007 and 2005: n/a)

All media fairly reflect the voices of society in
its ethnic, linguistic, religious, political and social
The media gives a fair reflection of the country’s social diversity, but not its politics.
When it comes to politics, “voices of convenience” [backing the current status
quo] also dominate the media. State run radio and television do not reflect
political views that disagree with government: ���They are not even shy about not
giving voice to particular people.” The views from all four political parties that are



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