Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

4.4 (2009: 3.2; 2007: 2.5; 2005: 2.6)

The editorial independence of print media
published by a public authority is protected adequately
against undue political interference.
Because Tibiyo Taka Ngwane, the company that publishes the Swazi Observer, is
a royal conglomerate held in trust by the King who also heads the company, the
newspaper is to be seen as a “print media published by a public authority”. The
King has told the journalists at the paper to “write as though you are part of the
Tibiyo Taka Ngwane family”.
The Observer’s editorial policy says that the only people the paper’s journalists
cannot write about in a bad light are the King – the paper’s de facto owner - and
the Queen Mother. The King appoints the paper’s chief editor who “advises” the
editor on “matters to do with the King and the Queen Mother”
and ensures that the company’s policy is followed.

“What has shifted
is the attitude
of the editors.
Previous editors
were too scared
to touch certain

Recently, the Prime Minister complained to the King that the
paper was writing about him (the Prime Minister) in a bad light,
but the paper maintains that this is not in breach of its editorial
policy. “What has shifted is the attitude of the editors. Previous
editors were too scared to touch certain things. Government was
a no-go area. No one dared to cross the line.” However, no one
questioned the paper the moment it did cross that line. Quite
the opposite: board members applauded the paper for doing
its job. In this respect, the paper’s editorial policy has provided
journalists with some protection.

“It is interesting to watch the Observer and how it goes through ups and downs in
terms of political issues. If a prime minister can question an angle of a story, for



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