On 22nd November, Daily Nation further quoted Mr. Mushimba saying:
“Following the formation of the crack team, the nation would witness a more
concerted and enhanced presence online to track down and fish out people using
cyber space for criminal activities. He warned that individuals bent on using
social media to spread fake news and other criminality would be arrested and
prosecuted. He said once the crack squad became fully operational, its activities
to curb fake news and cybercrime would immediately become visible.”
However, some among those whose work is on the cyber space feel the move is aimed at
reducing criticism of government. They suggest that the calls to put in place bills to regulate the
cyber space are aimed at reducing government criticism online. News Diggers on 4th December
published an article saying Cyber laws are designed to protect government from criticism3.
“We have a lot issues to fix in our governments as Africans. And as we know,
there is a lot of trying to fix the citizens instead of working with the citizens for
the sake of development. What I noticed with the Cyber Crimes Bill that is
currently being developed in Zimbabwe is that, it protects the State more than
it protects ordinary citizens, and it is the same discussion that is also going on
in Zambia,” Gwinji said during a plenary session dubbed: “Social Media:
bullying, harassment and silencing of voices. What can be done?”
Government continues to justify itself saying the laws will not stop citizen from accessing the
internet, but will prohibit the spread of fake news and misinformation. Minister of Transport and
Communication however, maintained that the cyber laws will not hinder freedom of expression
for the ordinary citizen4.
Through the cyber bill government has no initiations of curtailing citizen‟s
freedom of accessing internet but wants to put limits to cyber existence in
Zambia. Internet laws are universe, they exist everywhere in the world.” Mr.
Mushimba said.


News Diggers – Cyber Laws designed to protect govts from criticism-Gwinji – 4th December, 2018
Daily Nation – Zamtel Launches Online Buying Novelty – 14th December, 2018


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