4.0 Findings - Overview
There has been an increasing debate on issues surrounding the cyber space with majority talks
around its regulation. The use of the cyber space has both been abused and used positively by the
public. The main highlight with news and reports around the cyber space has been the treatment
of news critical of government being fake news or misinformation.

4.1 Policy and Statutory Framework
4.1.1 Cyber Space Regulation
The most pronounced form of regulation reported in the media in the fourth quarter (October –
December) of 2018 was the regulation of the cyber space. So far, both from the media and
government, what contains fake news hasn‟t been defined making it uncertain on what exactly
contains fake news. Information critical rather showing government inefficiencies is termed
misinformation or „fake news.‟ Following the increase in publication of such information, calls
to regulate the cyber space intensified in the last quarter of the year.
From government‟s end, regulation is aimed at reducing abuse of social media. Advocates of
increased access to the internet deem this as a means to punish people critical of government
online. On 15th November, Lusaka Times1 cited Justice Minister Given Lubinda saying the cyber
laws are not meant to curb freedom of expression. Government in the last quarter indicated the
urgent need for the cyber bills to reduce the spread of fake news especially on social media.
Justice Minister Given Lubinda says cyber security laws are not meant to curb freedom of
expression. Mr. Lubinda says the internet is meant to improve the lives of the people.
He is however saddened that some people are using the internet to harm others.
Government in the same quarter indicated that it had set up a crack squad to fish out cyber
criminals and fake news propagandists. Minister of Transport and Communication Brian
Mushimba was quoted saying government had set up a crack squad comprising officers from
Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) and other
investigative wings to tackle cybercrime and fake news2.


Lusaka Times – Given Lubinda defends Cyber Laws – 15th November, 2018
Daily Nation – government will fish out Cybercriminals, fake news propagandist – 22nd November, 2018


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