Third Quarter
 2nd Sept, Mast reported that the media was told to avoid using language deemed offensive
to government.
10. Noteworthy Development
First Quarter
 1st April, announcement that IBA was to collects TV Levy on behalf of ZNBC.
 Zambia Daily Mail reporters saw a seven percent (7%) increase in their salaries.
 Protest by ZNBC workers following a delay in payment of salaries.
 Gerald Shawa revealed that in the private media [Journalists‟ Salaries] is between K2 000
- K5 000 and for public media it‟s between K5 000 - K10 000. Raising income [has been
challenging for the private media] as government opted not to give business to most
media in the private sector as they are considered to be their enemies.
 Almost all media houses in the country have an active presence online with some
updating their social media pages with their programming to engage their
readers/listeners/viewers while other use them for news updates.
 4th April, News Diggers reported that, “enquiry shows that government is collecting
double TV levy.
Third Quarter
 Third quarter increase in Facebook Live use during broadcast time as well as Hot FM‟s
increased use of Mingletainment.
 Government procured OB vans for ZNBC.
 TopStar Village TV project saw an increase in the number of satellite television being
distributed in the country. Government in partnership with the Chinese government was
distributing satellite TV in rural areas.
 6th July, Times of Zambia reported that 627 Zambians were victims of cybercrimes in
which more than K600, 000 was stolen from them in 2018.


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