 Mast Newspaper was dragged to court for defamation of a PF Southern Province
Youth Chairman, reported on 17th December.
6. Legislation
First Quarter
 Ministry of Justice Given Lubinda on 23rd February, 2018 said that the ATI Bill
would not be reviewed because there were a lot of Bills to table before parliament.
 On two instances i.e. 17th February, 2018v(News Diggers) and 20th March, 2018
(Zambia Daily Mail), the President‟s Press Aid indicated that the document was ready
and that only parliament was left to review the document before being signed in to
 In January government indicated that it would enact cyber bills: with reference to
Medical Dr Arrest for a Facebook post allegedly defaming the president.
 Zitukule Consortium Executive Director Nicolas Phiri: It wouldn‟t be surprising if the
Political Party Bill, which only came in 2017 and the Proposed Cyber Laws see the
light of day before the ATI Bill which was started in 2002 has its day in parliament.
Second Quarter
 On 4th April, 2018, the Zambia Daily Mail cited Minister of Transport and
Communications, Brian Mushimba announcing government plans to enact cyber
security bills.
 On 15th May, 2018, government spokesperson Dora Siliya claimed that cyber bullying
had increased thus the need to enact laws to regulate the cyber space.
 ZICTA Director of Support Services Chisala Mofya on 30th May while featuring on
ZNBC‟s Open Line program announced that WhatsApp administrators would soon be
required to register their groups.
Third Quarter
 Government on 6th August was quoted by the Daily Nation justifying the proposed 30
ngwee tax on internet calls.
 27th September, LT | Dora Siliya has urged journalists to quickly formulate a selfregulatory media council that will save journalism from total collapse in Zambia


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