Highlights of the year 2018
1. Assaulted | Harassed | Attacked
First Quarter
 On 27th January, the Daily Nation, reported that its reporter Michael Miyoba was
abducted and tortured by four ZAF officers charged with the mandate to clearing vendors
from Lusaka streets, for merely being found on the street as he went to board a bus home.
 On 26th February, The Mast reported that its reporter Marilyn Rose was verbally
assaulted by PF cadres for reporting President‟s Edgar Lungu‟s “ubomba mwibala”
remark. The Mast newspaper on 12th February, headlined “YOU CAN STEAL”…. but
tabalila kumo nembuto kumo – Lungu.
 Daily Nation on 21st March was Petrol bombed and had its packer assaulted by unknown
Second Quarter
 On 8th May, New Vision reported that Prime TV journalist was attacked by PF cadres
while on duty.
 On 5th June, Suspected UPND cadres attacked seven journalists from various media
houses as they were heading to the totalling centre of the Chilanga by election.
 1st June letter to MISA: More than 10 armed officer stormed iWAVE Radio over
unverified reports the station aired a News item saying C4 (Victor Phiri) the man
allegedly accused of committing a spate of crimes in Chingola had disappeared from
 On 22nd June, ABN TV journalist Jubilee Malambo was beaten by ZP and
Immigration officers after they saw him filming them as they were conducting an
operation to nub some illegal immigrants.
Fourth Quarter
 8th October The Mast reported that 3 journalists were attacked by soccer fan


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