Motion on information as a public good

Universal Periodic Rev iew (UPR) Submissions

In June 2021, the Chairperson of the Parliamentary
Portfolio Committee on Information, Media and
Broadcasting Services, Sipho Mokone, moved a motion
imploring parliament to enact legislation that enhances
media freedom and encourages the media to conduct
their activities without fear or favour.

MISA Zimbabwe made submissions to the Third Cycle
of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on Zimbabwe,
where it noted improvements in the legislative
environment, but decried the pullback provisions in
proposed new laws that have the effect of infringing on
freedom of expression, such as the then Cybersecurity
and Data Protection Bill.

These sentiments were shared across the political
divide as the motion on information as a public good,
moved on 15 June 2021, was supported by other
legislators who urged the government to observe the
provisions of the Windhoek Declaration which calls for
media freedom.
Reduction in v iolations
Engagement meetings were held with key stakeholders
that included provincial police commanders during the
period under review. These engagements contributed to
the marked reduction in the number of media freedom
violations recorded during the period under review,
from 52 in 2020 to 22 in 2021.
Access to information
MISA Zimbabwe versus Minister of Health and Child Care
and Another HC45/2021 – Access to COVID-19 related
information case.
This case was an urgent application which related to
the exercise of the right to access COVID-19 related
information during an intense lockdown in January
2021. The matter was filed on 15 January 2021 and it
was heard on an urgent basis. High Court Judge, Justice
Mary Dube, ruled in favour of MISA Zimbabwe.
In compliance with this High Court order, the Ministries
of Health and Information managed, to a larger extent,
to comply with the order. The government, through
these responsible Ministries, managed to provide
extensive daily updates on the progression of COVID-19
in Zimbabwe.

MISA Regional Director Tabani Moyo giving a
presentation at the Africa Forum in Namibia ahead of the
2021 World Press Freedom Day Commemorations.

Regional/International footprints
MISA Zimbabwe National Director ,Tabani Moyo was
elected into the Global Forum for Media Development
(GFMD) Steering Committee (the board), at its elective
Annual General Meeting held in Tirana, Albania, on 30
September 2021.
Moyo, who is also the MISA Regional Director, was
elected with 17 other board members for a four-year
term from 2021 to 2025. GFMD is an international
network of about 200 journalism support and media
development organisations, working in more than 70
countries. It is based in Brussels, Belgium.

Digital trainer Christopher Musodza speaking on the
History of Artificial Intelligence during a MISA Regional
organised meeting.

MISA Regional 2021 Annual 2021 Report


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