the time of writing of this report) into their election,
tangible steps are still to be taken towards improving
the legal environment for freedom of expression.
Nonetheless, the media freedom and freedom of
expression environment has improved since the
new government came into power. However, the
new government is not without fault. Several media
violations have occurred since they came into power.

Operating Env ironment
The Reporters Without Borders (RSF) 2021 media
freedom rankings, released in May 2021, saw Zimbabwe
sliding in terms of its rankings. Zimbabwe was ranked at
130 out of 180 countries in 2021 compared to its ranking
at 126 in 2020.
However, based on MISA Zimbabwe’s monitoring of
the media operating environment during the period
under review, there was a marked, if not considerable
reduction in the number of violations recorded in 2021
compared to the previous year.
This points to an improved media operating
environment during the year under review.
On the positive side, the RSF said access to information
had improved and self-censorship had declined, but
that journalists were still often attacked or arrested.
While RSF noted that new broadcasting licences had
been awarded, it noted the lack of diversity in the
granting of the permits.
The clawback provisions in the Cyber and Data
Protection Act promulgated at the end of 2021, risk
eroding the gains made through the enactment of the
Freedom of Information Act and undermine citizens’
right to free expression online and ultimately access to
information for informed decisions and choices.
In that regard, the government should be guided by the
findings of the courts which struck down the criminal
offence of publication of falsehoods to avoid costly
constitutional court challenges against such provisions.
The other major issue that needs sober consideration is
the Private Voluntary Organisations (PVO) Amendment
Bill. In its current status, the Bill poses the greatest risk
to Zimbabwe’s democratic credentials.
The government should also seize the opportunity of
the proposed Broadcasting Services Amendment Bill
to come up with a democratic broadcasting regulatory
framework that allows for a free, independent, diverse
and sustainable broadcasting industry.

While there were no major challenges as MISA
Zimbabwe’s programming was informed and executed
in line with the organisation’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan,
as expected the organisation still experienced inevitable
challenges that come with the nature of the work it is
involved in.
These challenges are not unique to Zimbabwe alone,
but permeate the southern African region as a whole
in the wake of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic
and stifling of online expression under the guise of
controlling the pandemic.
The other challenge is that of the future of the media
(sustainability), which is under threat in the context of
the intricate challenges posed by pandemics, climate
change, natural disasters, dwindling revenue and
the role of big tech companies vis-à-vis the quest for
supporting and defending a resilient media given its
critical role in the exercise of the right to free expression
and access to information for informed decisions and
The issue of media co-regulation remained on the
agenda during the course of 2021 as engagements
between policy makers, parliamentarians and media
representative organisations continued on the matter.
Delegates to the Media Reforms Stakeholders Indaba
convened by MISA Zimbabwe on 30 October 2021 in
Harare made the following resolutions pertaining to
regulation of the media and the ongoing media reform

Regulation of the media

a) Government should allow the industry to selfregulate.
b) The industry is committed to the agreed
compromise position of co-regulation, wherein the
industry is the primary regulatory body while the
constitutional Zimbabwe Media Commission serves as
an appellant body.
c) Government should take into consideration
the Draft Zimbabwe Media Practitioners Bill that
was developed by the media industry after wide
consultations with journalists in all the country’s 10
d) That any attempts towards entrenchment of
statutory regulation in Zimbabwe will not be accepted
by the industry.

MISA Regional 2021 Annual 2021 Report


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