From the survey, one is inclined to conclude that the majority
of institutions remain rather closed and averse to placing
information in the public domain. Despite many of the surveyed
institutions having websites, the websites do not contain useful
information and are not regularly updated.
A general disdain for information requests was evident amongst
the participating institutions. There is suspicion toward citizen
requests for information and what some of them term ‘hostile
media’. The failure to respond to written information requests
by some institutions suggested a culture of secrecy in these

The surveyed institutions have a long way to go towards
transparency and opening themselves up to public scrutiny. Most
of them can easily be classified as secretive after almost all failed
to respond to written requests for information.

Based on this, the Ministry of Psychomotor is the most open
institution of those surveyed as they took time to attend to our
information requests in a helpful and friendly manner.
The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Development follows
closely behind in second after their helpful assistance.

There is need for the government to swiftly align all legislation to
make it compliant with the new Constitution, which guarantees
freedom of expression and access to information. More advocacy
work concentrated on pressuring the government to align
legislation with the new Constitution is necessary.
Already the government has set up an information panel to
make recommendations for the way forward. MISA and other
institutions must take advantage of this panel to present
their findings on the state of access to information in public
There was evidence that some institutions may be willing to
disclose information but are lacking in capacity. More work and
resources must be directed towards engaging these institutions
on how they can improve their websites or information
dissemination systems.

ZUPCO, for the third year running, had no functional website, did
not respond to written requests for information and at the times
telephone calls were made (three times) to their offices, the phone
went unanswered. It is clear from this that the institution does
not take its interactions with members of the public seriously.
ZUPCO therefore is the most secretive institution.
ZINWA, CMED and ZIFA follow closely behind after they failed
to respond to written requests for information, in addition to
operating relatively uninformative websites.

Secondary Education, Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education,
Science and Technology, Ministry of Local Government and the
Ministry of Psychomotor acknowledged receipt of information
requests and recommended further action. A senior official
at the Ministry of Psychomotor made the effort to explain
issues in person at their offices. The Ministry of Transport and
Infrastructure Development responded well to an oral request for
information and in addition has a website which shows a budget
and legislation that governs its operations. It also shows a clear
organisational structure.


Select target paragraph3