Questionable human resource management practices occur mainly in the private
sector, where journalists often have no social protection, particularly medical aid,
life insurance or insurance against accidents in the workplace.
Furthermore, there are no industry standards for the media in Mozambique
that all companies in the sector must observe. Some two or three years ago, the
Ministry of Labour conducted a series of inspections of media companies in order
to verify the extent to which they were complying with labour legislation. his
move was interpreted by some as an attempt to silence the independent press
through ines. However, the Ministry of Labour argued that in fact, the purpose of
the inspections was to protect media workers from possible exploitation by their
employers and that the exercise did not cover just media companies.
Panellists expressed a need for the sector’s professional organisations, in particular
the SNJ and employers, to engage in consultations to establish minimum salary
requirements for the industry.
It was noted that while there is no plausible justiication for corruption, journalists’
poor working conditions and salaries contribute to such practices.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.1 (2005 = n/a; 2007 = n/a; 2009 = 2.9)

Media professionals have access to training
facilitates offering formal qualiication programmes
as well as opportunities to upgrade skills.
Mozambique currently has four higher education institutions ofering media
courses in Maputo and Nampula. Two of these – the Higher School of Journalism
and the School of Communication and Arts in Eduardo Mondlane University
– ofer courses in journalism (academic qualiication). However, there is no
collaboration between these institutions and the media industry with a view to



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