The media cover the full spectrum of events,
issues and cultures, including business/economics,
cultural, local and investigative stories.
On the whole, the media cover the full spectrum of events and subjects, although
there is excessive focus on politics, to the detriment of, say, subjects about
development, economics and business. Investigative journalism continues to be
sporadic, unsystematic and supericial.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.7 (2005 = 2.4; 2007 = 3.6; 2009 = 4.0)

4.4. Equal opportunities regardless of race or
ethnicity, social group, gender/sex, religion, disabilities
and age are promoted in media houses.
here is a major gender imbalance in newsrooms, and the journalism profession
continues to be disproportionately male. In some newsrooms, there is not a single
female journalist. his indicates that there are no (enforced) gender policies in
the media in Mozambique. During the eighties, Rádio Moçambique encouraged
a policy of attracting women to journalism as a career, but this initiative was never
repeated or replicated by any other media houses. Nevertheless, through their own
eforts, a group of female journalists has developed and has been gaining ground
in the profession by working in areas traditionally dominated by men, such as
economics, politics, sport, etc.
he reason for the lack of women in the profession could also be linked to family
and social responsibilities that result in the woman - as the epicentre of the home
- being unable to dedicate herself totally to the profession and to the same extent
as the male journalist. here are female journalists, for example, who are unable to



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