these publications are in the pipeline but opposed by, among others, the editor of The Herald who argued in a parliamentary committee hearing that there was overregulation of the media and that
this should not be expanded.
The Interception of Communications Bill will definitely affect online publications which are in danger of being filtered out by the
internet service providers.
Individual scores:

1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1

Average score:



Efforts are undertaken to increase the scope of circulation
of the print media particularly to rural communities.

There are small efforts by the civic sector as well as some media
houses to reach out to rural communities.
These efforts are, however, severely constrained by the phenomenal cost of newsprint, forcing media houses to do just the opposite: to limit their print run for economic reasons. Some publishers
are now trying to distribute returned copies of their newspapers
to libraries in rural schools for free but are dependent on the good
(political) will of headmasters who decide whether they will go on
display or not.
The NGO Africa Community Publishing and Development is distributing books in rural areas, but not yet on a sufficiently large scale.
Government has seemingly given up distributing print matter to rural areas. Its community papers collapsed and the government-run

African Media Barometer - Zimbabwe 2006

Select target paragraph3