and the media;
• Discussion forums between the judiciary and the media;
• Establishment of mechanisms to develop partnerships between
the media and other institutional and financial support structures.
The toughening of relations between the media and the authorities,
a consequence of a political environment that is not open to criticism, largely proves that freedom of the media and of expression in
Mali has been on the decline over the last two years.
Efforts have been undertaken to improve the environment, as illustrated, among others, by the construction of a new building to
accommodate the Maison de la Presse (the apex organisation of media associations) on the personal initiative of the President of the
Republic, and the project to establish a training institute for journalists by the Ministry of Communications.
Obstacles still hold back the consolidation of these positive changes. Among these are the non dissemination of study reports, the
ill-adapted regulatory and legislative framework, the political determination to throw journalists to the wolves, etc...
Several stakeholders have been identified to properly implement
these changes. The Friedrich Ebert Foundation has indicated its
willingness to accompany initiatives of the media. The dissemination of the AMB report was entrusted to the Maison de la Presse. In
this regard, a commission is put in place to prepare, in collaboration with the Maison de la Presse, a detailed activity plan as soon
as possible. Panellists Mrs. ALWATTA Ichata SAHI, Me Brahima KONE
and Dr. Salabary DOUMBIA are part of this commission as well as the
focal point Mr. Tiégoum Boubèye MAÏGA.


Le Baromètre des Média Africains - Mali 2008

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