consequence of insecurity), poor knowledge and non dissemination
of media-related instruments.
• Sluggishness of regulatory organs.
Main causes: the ineffective appointment process of members, the
lack of selection criteria, outdated instruments, poor knowledge of
media laws by legal practitioners.

Who could be the drivers/actors for change in the future?
Professional associations;
Civil society; (unions, etc...);
The Ministry of Communications;
Political will;
Regulatory and self-regulatory bodies;
The Maison de la Presse;
The judiciary (magistrates, lawyers, ...);
The National Assembly;
Financial institutions (investments for the development of the
media industry).

6. What kinds of activities are needed over the next two years?
Strategies and activities for the next two years:
• Organisation of the 3rd Information and Communications Day in
early 2009 (presentation of the AMB 2006 report and introduction of the 2008 report);
• Dissemination of the AMB report within institutions (Office of
the President, Government, Ministries, National Assembly, Embassies, NGOs, Civil Society, etc...);
• Media involvement in the elaboration of the national report on
freedom of expression; failing that, team up with human rights
organisations for the elaboration of an alternative report;
• Review and dissemination of regulatory and legislative media
• Dissemination of the code of ethics and professional standards
for the journalist in Mali;
• Establishment of a single regulatory body;
• Establishment of an exchange framework between the judiciary
Le Baromètre des Média Africains - Mali 2008



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