Sector 2:

The media landscape is characterised by diversity, 		
independence and sustainability.

A wide range of sources of information (print, 			
broadcasting, internet) is available and affordable to 		

In addition to the national radio and its 6 regional stations, there
are two hundred and ten (210) private FM radio stations throughout
the country. The print media in French comprises 170 independent
newspapers with about fifty appearing more or less regularly; there
is also the state media including the daily national newspaper in
French and other newspapers in local languages, such as Kibaru,
Xibaaré, Kabaru edited by the Malian Press and Advertisement Agency targeting rural populations.
About 150 foreign encoded television stations broadcast in Mali. The
government no longer has a monopoly in the broadcasting industry.
Consequently, a private broadcasting network with an ambition to
transmit all over Africa was set up in 2004. The national television
coverage rate is approximately 75%. Three (3) foreign radio programmes are fully or partially relayed by local stations. A variety of
information sources is available.
Individual scores: 				

5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5.

Average score:				

4.8 (2006=4.1)


Citizens’ access to domestic and international media 		
sources is not restricted by state authorities.

There is no regulation on the rebroadcasting of foreign radio and
television programmes in Mali. In addition to foreign newspapers
and international FM radio stations, there are three (3) companies
that ensure the broadcasting of foreign television station networks.
Le Baromètre des Média Africains - Mali 2008



Select target paragraph3