Developments over the past few years
and the way forward
Positive developments in the media environment:

The print media is becoming consolidated and stabilised.
The media, including broadcast media, is spreading and creating
moreemployment opportunities.
There are signs of diminishing of polarisation in the media, e.g. progress
made towards the establishment of a media council.
Access to public figures which used to be confined to the state media is
becoming easier for the private media as well.
Taken together, the media is covering a variety of cultures, languages and
Government’s investment in the state media has increased.
Ethiopian Radio and Television is adopting new formats and modes of
More institutions of higher learning are providing training in journalism and
the media.

Negative developments in the media environment:



The impact of the violence and suppression following the 2005 election is
still being felt.
Government monopoly of television still exists.
Some new laws, among them the Freedom of the Mass Media and Access to
Public Information Proclamation, the Anti Terrorism Proclamation and the
Charities and Societies Proclamation put serious restrictions on the media
and civil society.
There is no incentive or support from government to encourage and
strengthen the development of the private media.
Absence of a strong and unified national professional association of media
Lack of professionalism and journalistic skills.
There are no real and ongoing public debates in the media.


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