4. Lilongwe Water Board
Category 1: Website
At the time the research was being conducted, the Lilongwe Water Board website was down. However, the research was done based
on its Facebook account.
The Facebook account named Lilongwe Water Board is well-updated, with information on the Board’s contact details.
Website visitors might struggle to learn about the organisation as there is no background information about the Board.
Apart from the Facebook page, the Board also has a Twitter handle which provides as little relevant information as the Facebook page.
n = 20


1. Does this website contain up to date information?



Additional Information


2. Does the website contain the following:
a) A description of its powers, as well as data on the organisational structure,
the functions, and the responsibilities of the administration?


b) A list of laws, Acts etc. issued within the scope of its powers?


c) Reports, policies, programmes?


d) Budget and expenditure?


e) Information about procurement procedures, signed contracts?


f) Vacancy and employment procedures?


g) The address, telephone number, and working hours of the institution?


h) The contact details of specific public officials?


i) A mechanism to request and receive a response to electronic messages and
requests for information?


Total Score: 6/20
The following questions were sent to Lilongwe Water Board:
1. Lilongwe District has recently been experiencing erratic water supply in most locations; what long-term plans does the Board have
to deal with this problem?
2. Most people argue that the water supply system in the city is outdated and nothing much is being done to update the infrastructure.
What is your comment on this?
3. Illegal water connection is often considered as a challenge in the city. What is the Board doing to deal with this problem?
4. What are some of the key projects the Board is working on or implementing to improve afforestation along the city’s catchment
5. What are some of the challenges Lilongwe Water Board is facing in its efforts to improve water supply in the city?
n = 20


1. Is there an official designated to take and respond to information requests?


2. Did the institution reply within 21 days?


3. Did the institution respond to the request for information?


4. Does the authority publish their procedures for dealing with information



Additional Information
Public Relations Manager


5. Did the institution provide all of the information requested?


6. Did the institution provide written reasons for the refusal of information?



Select target paragraph3