Graph 5: Use of the CICs 3.6 Equipment/Infrastructure CICs do not give the necessary tools such as data to access the internet. Computers are few yet the pressure to use them and demand is high. CICs in Chibuwe in Chipinge, do not have computers; people have to bring their own gadgets which is disadvantageous to those who do not own gadgets. In Mpopoma and Macheke, computers are available, but the centres are always locked. In areas where computers are available as in Maphisa, Chinhoyi, Lupane, Nyanyadzi, Checheche and Chipinge Central, they are not enough, causing pressure and accusations of favouritism against the staff members. In 2020, Minister Muswere expressed that budgetary constraints meant that the laptops and other gadgets which are supposed to be in these centres are yet to be acquired.33Compared to other sectors, ICT allocation as percentage of total budget was 0.5% in 2021 compared to 3.9% for the President’s office and cabinet for example. However, despite the low budget allocation, in terms of actual expenditure for 2021, data for the first 9 months 33 shows that in that time only 61% of the ICT budget had been expended whilst the President’s office for example, had a budget utilisation of 111%, i.e. over budget.34 This shows poor prioritisation and lack of political will towards policy implementation by the government. Moreover, in almost all the CICs where the survey was conducted, internet infrastructure is very poor. Though many use WI-FI, it is very slow and in some cases not available. In Checheche, users at times connect their devices to the WI-FI from the nearby school. Respondents from Maphisa, Gweru, Binga, Chinhoyi and Sekusile, among others, have all cited poor WI-FI connection as one of the barriers to CIC use. During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the government instructed Zimpost to ensure that people visiting the CICs have free internet access until the end of this year35. Other useful equipment such as chairs are not enough to accommodate all users during peak times at CICs such Chibuwe, Checheche, Nyanyadzi, Maphisa and Chipinge Central. In addition, sockets for charging gadgets, for example, in Checheche and Zengeza in Harare, are not there. F. Mudzingwa. 26 May, 2020. TechZim. 4 Years On, What Has Become of POTRAZ & ICT Ministry’s Community Information Centres? Available at: (Accessed on 25 October 2022). 34 35 L. Sengere, 31 January, 2022. TechZim0.36% budget allocation for ICT makes you wonder, would ‘command ICT’ serve us well?. Available at: 0-36-budget-allocation-for-ict-wonder-if-command-ict-would-serve-us-well/. (Accessed on 26 October 2022). 10 MISA Zimbabwe • The State of Access and Use of Community Information Centres (CICs) in Zimbabwe