Graph 3: % of people with special needs and those without Table 2: Types of special needs FREQUENCY PERCENT 241 97.6 Asthmatic 1 .4 Can’t walk 1 .4 Eye Sight 3 1.2 Lens 1 .4 Total 247 100.0 3.4. Highest Level of Education Of the participants who responded to the survey, 83 % completed secondary school, 42% reached Advanced level and 43 % had completed college education while 23 % of the participants had university education. These statistics therefore speak to the need for basic knowledge and also digital literacy to facilitate the utilisation of community information centres. The levels of education also justify the main purpose for use of the CICs by the respondents, which is for research and education. Graph 4: Highest level of education 8 MISA Zimbabwe • The State of Access and Use of Community Information Centres (CICs) in Zimbabwe