The Protocol further lays down some specific objectives for States to achieve at a national
1. Cooperate on the promotion, establishment and growth of community,
commercial, public, regional and global media for the free flow of information;
2. Strengthen public information institutions to be effective gatherers and
disseminators of information and news;
3. Develop and promote regional culture, opinion and talent by increasing local
content in the media such as magazines, radio, television, video, film and
new information technologies;
4. Take positive measures to narrow the information gap between the rural and
urban areas by increasing the coverage of the mass media, whether private,
public or community-based; encourage the use of indigenous languages in
the mass media as vehicles of promoting local, national and regional intercommunication;
5. Ensure that the media are adequately sensitised on gender issues so as to
promote gender equality and equity in information dissemination;
6. Build public faith and accountability in information institutions by enhancing
local, national and regional ownership;
7. Turn organs of communication into a genuine and credible marketplace of
ideas by encouraging diversity, breadth and professionalism in ownership
and editorial policy;
8. Place communication at the disposal of communities, nation-states and
SADC for the articulation and development of a tolerant, multicultural, multiethnic and multilingual regional culture in the global context;
9. Utilize communication to build and strengthen solidarity and understanding
with other communities, especially those from the developing world; and
10. Cooperate in the protection of children from harmful information and cultural
products, as well as in strengthening children’s self-expression and access to
the means of communication.

The Protocol also encourages the upgrading of information infrastructure for the following

To improve communication in urban and rural areas to ensure
access to more stakeholders through the media.


To promote the role of archives, libraries, museums, cultural villages
and similar services as information providers.


To cooperate in the development of new communication
technologies, including satellite broadcasting, to counter threats to collective
sovereignty from the global media.

Namibia Media Law Audit – report final draft


Select target paragraph3