“Media policy” - A general framework and guidelines adopted by member States,
which set out the basis for media diversity and development;
“Media practitioners” - People involved in all forms of communications, such as
the print media, broadcast media, film, video, and new information technologies;
“Pluralistic media” - Diversified media in terms of ownership, control and content;
“Print media” - Printed and published materials such as newspapers, periodicals
and books;
The main areas identified for cooperation in Article 3 of the Protocol are:

Policy harmonization;
Training, capacity-building and research;
Resource mobilization and utilization;
Production, flow, exchange and use of information products;
Regional interaction amongst stakeholders;
Gender equality and equity; and
Persons with disabilities.

Main provisions
For purposes of this study, the section of the Protocol on Information, which is contained in
Chapter 3, Articles 17 to 23, is the most important. With regard to information, State Parties
are obliged to undertake the following actions:

Take necessary measures to ensure the development of media that are editorially
independent and conscious of their obligations to the public and greater society.


Encourage the establishment or strengthening of codes of ethics to boost public
confidence and professionalism in the information sector.


Establish a regionally and internationally recognized SADC accreditation system or
procedure for media practitioners with specific guidelines in order to facilitate the work
of such personnel in the rest of the world.

State parties are required to adopt the following actions as outlined in Article 18 with regard to
policy formulation:

State Parties shall after thorough consultations with appropriate stakeholders and civil
society formulate and harmonize information policies


State Parties shall establish, publicise widely and implement information policies in
line with the SADC Declaration on the Role of Information in Building the Community.


State Parties shall establish and strengthen the local institutional framework for the
implementation of information policies.


State Parties shall create the political and economic environment conducive to the
growth of ethical, diverse and pluralistic media.


State Parties shall promote specialized training of journalists in the areas of culture
and sports to improve the coverage of these areas.

Namibia Media Law Audit – report final draft


Select target paragraph3