Detailed Findings
1. Tanzania Revenue Authority
Category 1: Website
The Tanzania Revenue Authority’s website is well-vested with information, especially information relevant to tax payers. It provides
details on the procedures of remitting taxes. It stipulates the institution’s system of governance. The site provides a “feedback” option
which allows for sending direct feedback to the institution. It has links to several social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
and Flicker.
n = 20
1. Does this website contain up to date information?




Additional Information


2. Does the website contain the following:
a) A description of its powers, as well as data on the organisational structure,
the functions, and the responsibilities of the administration?


b) A list of laws, Acts etc. issued within the scope of its powers?


c) Reports, policies, programmes?


d) Budget and expenditure?


No specific budget

e) Information about procurement procedures, signed contracts?


Only tender
no information on
procurement procedures

f) Vacancy and employment procedures?


Only vacancy

g) The address, telephone number, and working hours of the institution?


h) The contact details of specific public officials?


i) A mechanism to request and receive a response to electronic messages and
requests for information?


Total Score: 17/20			
The following questions were sent to the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA):
1. Your institution has the mandate to collect revenue to enable Government to undertake its duties, how do common citizens access
information useful to them from your office? Do they need to pay for that information?
2. Your institution advises the Minister of Finance on the national budget; citizens are complaining that the sources of revenues on the
national budget have always been the same - on alcohol products. What do you say about this and what are your future plans with
regards to widening the tax collection base?
3. Most business people in the country, especially SMEs, are complaining about the way EFDs machines are running. Some issues
raised are that most of the machines supplied have technical problems from time to time. What do you have to say about this?
4. There is great improvement in your systems, for example TANCIS, but users are complaining that some of these systems are very
slow and sometimes not operating as required. What are your comments on this?
5. Your institution deals with sensitive issues as it collects government revenues, what is your plan to make sure that you have zero
corruption in your daily undertakings?


Select target paragraph3