
16th February, 2017 (The Mast Newspaper)

Media freedom violation alert
Harassed and beaten
Armed police officers on Wednesday, 15th February 2017 raided former Post Newspaper
proprietor Fred M’membe’s house along Nangwenya Road. The officers refused to produce the
search warrant to his family members and revealed that they were looking for M’membe who
they sought to arrest allegedly on orders from Post Newspaper liquidator. This was concerning
the alleged case of impersonation by M’membe and his lawyer Nchima Nchito over the
liquidation of the Post Newspaper. This followed the issuance of arrest warrants by the Lusaka
Magistrates court. When the officers did not find M’membe, they picked his wife after roughing
her up and tearing her dress in the presence of onlookers who were passing on the road.
7.1.4 25th February 2017, (The Mast Newspaper)
Media freedom violation alert
Police and other state operatives in plain clothes raided premises at Plot 19, Joseph Mwilwa
Road in Rhodes Park where The Mast newsroom is believed to be operating from and parked
within and around the premises in search of The Mast journalists. After about three hours of
waiting, the state agents drove off after realising that the journalists they were looking for did
not operate from the alleged house.
7.1.5 7th March 2017 (The Mast)
Legal matters
Lesa Kasoma found with case to answer
Komboni Radio Director Lesa Kasoma was found with a case to answer in a case she is accused
of assaulting a police officer. It is alleged in this matter that Kasoma, on October 5, 2016
assaulted a police officer, Simon Chisanga, occasioning him actual bodily harm. During the
alleged committing of the offence, police officers brutally beat up and stripped naked Lesa
Kasoma for alleged interference in their work. According to media reports, “…the police officers
who had been guarding the radio station after its closure brutalised Kasoma who had gone to the
radio station to inform the police officers of government’s resolve lift the suspension of the
broadcasting license, “after a month long closure.

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