Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN 1 and TBN 2), QTV, City Television, Hope TV, France 24,
Parliament TV and CAMNET.
Implementation of phases 2 and 3 commenced in early 2017 and will see the construction of six
(6) provincial broadcasting stations, and installation of transmission sites that will bring digital
television to all parts of Zambia. According to the implementation plan there will be completion
of installation in the remaining six provincial centres by 30th June 2017 and installation in remote
sites will be completed by 31st December 2017.xxvi
6.0 Online Media
The major highlight of the year regarding the online media sector was the emergence of the News
Diggers online publication set up by seasoned professional journalists. The publication describes
itself as Zambia’s first multimedia publication focused on investigative journalism. It comprises
a team of experienced journalists with a blend of new and dedicated talent eager to shape the art
of digital journalism. As a growing democracy, Zambia needs a free and critical press to foster
accountability and good governance. News Diggers! will help facilitate this as we have an ear to
the ground. the publication has since its launch established itself to be a fearless, objective, and
yet professional outlet that is offering unparalleled online news media service to the nation.
Media pundits were quick to notice its presence and the already immense contribution it has been
making since coming on the scene.
The International Press Institute (IPI) welcomed Zambia’s News Diggers, as a new multimedia
publication whose primary focus will be on investigative journalism, as a full member of its
global network for a free media. “We are pleased to welcome News Diggers as a full IPI
member,” IPI Director of Advocacy and Communications Steven M. Ellis said. “We applaud the
News Diggers team and Editor-in-Chief Joseph Mwenda on their commitment to public interest
reporting and independent journalism. We’re certain that their work will go a long way in
shaping Zambia’s democracy.xxvii
The Zambian Watchdog website which had been grounded since the middle of September 2016
has come back on the scene to add its voice to the online media platform. Its reach and influence
however has not reached its glorious past since it was knocked out of cyber space.
There are a few more recognisable online media platforms that continue to exist and service the
Zambian population that include Zambia Reports, Zambian Eye, Mwebantu New Media, Lusaka
Star, Lusaka Times, among several such outlets that are notable. The challenge however, is the
difficulty in qualifying which of these are actually operating as fully established and licenced by
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