5.0 Digital Migration
The digital migration that was envisaged to be completed by mid of 2016 seems have finally
taken off in earnest in early 2017.
Phases 2 and 3 of the digital migration project which were estimated to cost US$273 million and
are expected to cover the following have since commenced with the signing of an agreement
between ZNBC and TopStar Company of China: a) Installation of transmission facilities to cover
the rest of the country including areas where there is currently no analogue television; b)
Construction of six (6) Provincial broadcasting stations in Chipata, Mansa, Chinsali, Kasama,
Mongu and Kabwe. The other two provincial broadcasting stations in Solwezi and Choma were
already under construction; c) Rehabilitation of Studios at ZNBC and ZANIS; d) Construction
of a national operation centre of ZNBC and a broadcasting backup and disaster recovery facility
in Kitwe e)Provision of equipment for ZANIS and ZNBC; f) Provision of l, 250, 000 STB
decoders. xxiv
Minister of Information Kampamba Mulenga explained that government had operationalized the
special purpose vehicle in the name of TopStar Communications Company to roll out the digital
migration phases 2 and 3 and ensure that there is efficiency. “…the company would operate the
public signal distribution and ensure that all the 1, 250, 000 decoders were sold to the public,
which carried 25 channels and should not cost more than K30 in monthly
subscriptions…..government would ensure that all parts of the country received digital television
services by installing 73 transmission sites across the country as well as rehabilitate and equip
all ZNBC studios with state-of-the-art equipment in its digital migration process. ZNBC was
digitalizing in line with the fulfilment of the global mandate.”xxv
As part of the process of implementing the digital migration project in Phase 1, government set
up a joint venture between ZNBC and StarTimes to operate the public signal distributor. In this
partnership, a company called TopStar Communications Co. Limited was created with a
shareholding where ZNBC owns 40% and StarTimes has 60%. This shareholding structure is,
according to the Minister, in line with the Digital Migration Policy requirement for signal
distributors which are regulated by the Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs)
The channels currently broadcasting on the digital terrestrial television platform are ZNBC
(TV1, TV2 and TV3), Prime TV, Convent Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), Revelation TV,
25 | P a g e

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