by those concerned and are out to fix the institution and its owners. The ball is therefore firmly
in the court of the judiciary to respond, in a timely and satisfactory manner to these allegations.
The quarter also witnessed the second Rural Electrification Media Awards Ceremony being held
for the second consecutive year. At the event, REA board chairperson Jorry Mwenechanya
applauded the media for their contribution in helping uplift livelihoods of rural communities
through the rural electrification programme. “This awards programme aims to raise interest in
rural electrification among journalists. A high public awareness of the rural electrification
programme helps the authority to attract resources. It helps policy makers, development partners
and others”vii Meanwhile, REA Chief Executive Officer said when they initiated the media
awards in 2014, it was intended to encourage journalists to write about the contribution of the
rural electrification programme to the overall socio-economic development of the country. He
said since inception, the number of entries had increased from 27 in 2015 to 78 in 2016.
The concerted call to harness media’s role in development was echoed across the country by
various players and key stakeholders of the media at various events especially during the World
Radio Day gatherings. Information and Broadcasting Permanent Secretary Godfrey Malama
noted that government had placed information at the center of national development to empower
citizens to make informed decisions and choices. Mr. Malama said his ministry had placed a
high premium on the free flow and public access to information as a prerequisite to sustainable
social and economic development. “…attaches great importance to radio stations as they are not
only closest to the people but are one of the cheapest and simplest means to disseminate
The continued maltreatment of The Post by supposed state agents or those working in collusion
continued. In an ugly twist to the hitherto already ugly pursuit of once biggest daily newspaper
in the country, armed police officers on Wednesday, February 17th 2017, afternoon raided Post
Newspaper proprietor Fred M’membe’s house situated along Nangwenya road. It is alleged that
the officers revealed that they were looking for M’membe whom they wanted to arrest at the
instigation of Post Newspaper liquidator Lewis Mosho. “They came in around 16:00 hours and
demanded to start searching. But we refused because the lawyers were not here. And Fred
himself [was] not even around as he [was] in Jamaica. And seeing that they couldn’t find Fred,
in frustration, they picked his wife after roughing her up, they tore her dress in the presence of
onlookers who were passing on the road,” narrated one of the workers at the scene. ix It is
interesting here to note that incidentally, Mutinta, the wife to M’membe is the proprietor of The
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