eligible to hear the The Post matter, judge Nkonde had committed a number of grave due process
and procedural irregularities in the current case before him, proving his animosity and bad faith
towards The Post.
“Judge Nkonde allowed Mr [Lewis] Mosho, the provisional liquidator to then appoint his firm,
Messrs. Lewis Nathan Advocates (himself) and Messrs. Palan & George Advocates to replace
Messrs. Nchito & Nchito in representing Post Newspapers Limited in challenging the
liquidation. How can lawyers appointed by the provisional liquidator represent a company in
challenging the same provisional liquidator? Not surprisingly, the syndicate of Mr Mosho and
his fronts have withdrawn the company’s challenge to the liquidation with the tacit approval of
the judge.”v
He further stated: “In another ex-parte move, justice Nkonde has granted leave to commence
contempt proceedings against Messrs. Nchito & Nchito for allegedly acting for The Post
Newspapers Limited and halted hearing of all the applications challenging the appointment of
Mr Mosho as provisional liquidator when as can be seen below, he is hearing other applications
made by Mr Mosho and his syndicate of lawyers, including his own firm. The judge casting the
proverbial nelsonian eye has allowed Mr Mosho to represent The Post in an action where Mr
Mosho is being challenged by The Post. How is this conceivable at law? Judge Nkonde has to
date not granted or heard any applications made by lawyers not affiliated to the provisional
liquidator, Mr Mosho, and yet almost every application by the parties affiliated to Mr Mosho
have been heard and in most cases granted orders ex-parte. Judge Nkonde, having been made
aware that Mr Lewis Mosho is barred from appointment as a liquidator and therefore not a fit
and proper person to be provisional liquidator because he was removed from the office of
receiver in Platinum Gold Equity and Others V Development Bank of Zambia 2015/HPC/0097
has refused and or neglected to deal with the said disqualification.”vi
Such issues as the ones above raise a lot of suspicion and the Judiciary will do well to pay
attention and clear the allegations. Because the seriousness of the allegations raise questions of
the motive of such interventions that have effectively taken out a critical player and voice from
the media landscape in supposedly unclear circumstances. They say justice must not only be
done but should be seen to be done. If there are questions of legitimacy being raised over the
handling of such a case as that of The Post, then there is indeed good reason for those involved
in the implementation to exonerate themselves and prove their actions to be above board, both
at law and in practice. Anything short of this will only be confirming the suspicions that
stakeholders have held; that the handling of the case amounts to nothing more than a witch hunt
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