resignation. The current researcher has spent a great deal of time basically trying to put together
pieces before process begin.


MISA Tanzania

Campaign for Broadcasting Diversity and its objective is to create an enabling environment for
the three tier system of broadcasting: public service, commercial and community broadcasting. Its
immediate objectives are to conduct awareness and campaign for public and policy makers on
African Charter on Broadcasting in order to trigger discussion on the Charter, formulate and
lobby for policy that is wanted and “open the airwaves” advocacy campaign and broadcast
diversity development for policy makers and the public. The main activities under this particular
programme include identification of community media and potential allies, workshops,
distribution of African Charter on Broadcasting, media diversity, lobbying, establishing networks,
monitoring and follow ups, advertising through radio and newspapers.
Tanzania’s Broadcasting Act 1993 is among six pieces of legislation that MISA Tanzania is
addressing through the Media Law Reform project. TOT and National Convention workshops
were held to train trainers and harmonize the pieces to the ICT and Freedom of Information Act.
The project achieved in lobbying the government to give status on the Information and
Broadcasting policy, that directs the government to ensure the legislation of a single law
governing media operations. The policy was translated into English and distributed. MISA
Tanzania and AMARC Africa held the awareness raising workshop on Community Radio jointly
and African Charter on Broadcasting was used as a lobbying tool for policies and laws
determining the future of broadcasting and information technology.
The workshop drew about 27 participants from Community Radios as well as private and
government broadcasting with Tanzania Broadcasting Commission. The three day workshop was
intended to make media practitioners, especially from Community broadcasting media to
understand the roles of community radio in the promotion of good governance, democracy and
The deliberations made were very useful for future plans. Mishel Ntab Ndiaye from AMARC
Africa and Grace Githaiga from Econews in Kenya were chief facilitators. The papers presented
during the workshop included,: Introduction on Community Radio and Overview of Community
Radio In Africa-Existing Policy Regulation, Advocating For Media Law Reform In Tanzania, an
overview of Broadcasting Industry In Tanzania, Different Concept Paper On Access To
Information Act in Tanzania , Different Activities On Policy Changes that Happened at national
level, Key Actors And Outcome, Advocacy Campaign on African Charter On Broadcasting
(especially on Community Radio) and Experience On Running of Community Radio in Tanzania.
During the workshop a Community Media Network of Tanzania COMNET was established.
Another achievement is the establishment of an independent body on Tanzania Communication
Regulatory Authority. Despite having the largest number of broadcasting stations in East Africa,
Tanzania Broadcasting industry still operates in restricted, unfriendly legal framework and
unclear policies. The challenges are yet to be realized and the legal frame work is still

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


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