The Chapter has been extremely successful in assisting in the setting up five community radio
stations in six regions despite the environment not being conducive. The government thinks that
its role ends with liberalizing the airwaves. However, the chapter assisted to form what is today
called the National Advisory for Community Radios (NACR) and continued to provide support to
the project through the employment of a Project Co-coordinator. A well attended workshop for
Community Radio was organised during which time a draft cons titution was drawn up. There are
now six Community Radio Stations established in the country each having a very strong Board



Transformation of Swaziland Broadcasting and Information Service (SBIS) into a Public Service
Broadcaster continued to be one of the areas of concern under this programme area. Currently the
SBIS is a government controlled station. During the year under review the Chapter held a very
successful workshop under the theme: Public Service Mandate. A good number of senior SBIS
staff were in attendance and participated freely. The purpose of the seminar was to assist SBIS
understand and realize its strength and how it can contribute effectively after it has been
transformed into a PSB. It is hoped that recommendations made during the workshop shall be
objectively studied.
Many countries in the SADC Region are adopting Information and Communication
Technologies. For example, ICT ties-up nicely with telecommunications , computers and
broadcasting. Bearing that in mind, there is need to look once again at existing laws governing
Broadcasting. In Swaziland, the Ministry Of Public Service and Information has not looked at
Community Broadcasting as an important sector which needs to be promoted. The Lubombo
Community Radio in itiatives have been in existence for quite some time, but has not been granted
a permanent license. Unfortunately the Ministry Of Public Service and Information seems not
concerned about enacting new law related to Community Broadcasting.
However between 2003 and 2004 MISA Swaziland held several workshops for people in
Lubombo area. The purpose of those workshops was to prepare them understand how a
Community Radio Station is run.


South Africa

Sustainability of the community radio sector is an area of particular concern for MISA South
Africa. The chapter therefore undertook to develop appropriate marketing and sustainable skills
for community radio stations as its objective of advancing alternative and sustainable system for
Community Broadcasting in South Africa.
A draft report has not yet been finalized. It will only be possible to assess the achievements when
the report is completed and when some of the recommendations are affected. In terms of gender
main-streaming, the project did not have specific focus. In terms of media freedom, the project
will contribute towards media free through making recommendations on sustainability of the
MISA South Africa had hoped that the project was going to be completed and implemented
during the year under review by the researcher but experienced a set back following his

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


Select target paragraph3