Regional Programme Goal
Establishment of an efficient communications and dissemination system
Regional Programme Objectives
Facilitate proficient, effective and efficient communication in order to enhance MISA’s advocacy role
2. Production of newsletters/books
2.1 Compilation of articles contributed by Botswana: Two copies produced in 2003
• MISA’s (regional) quarterly FreePress
MISA members on media freedom,
Malawi: Only one newsletter was
magazine was only published twice in
gender, HIV & AIDS as relates to
produced due to logistical reasons
2003 as a result of staff turn-over at
South Africa
the media for newsletters.
South Africa: Bi-monthly newsletter being
the secretariat and a lack of capacity.
2.2 Edit stories
produced in electronic format
T he first edition (April) took an in•
2.3 Typeset & layout newsletter.
Swaziland: 2 newsletters produced (500
depth look at Access to Information
2.4 Printer liaison.
copies each)
legislation in the region. The second
2.5 Distribution of newsletter to all
Tanzania: 2 newsletters produced.
edition focused on the deteriorating
Zambia: With the assistance of SIDA and
human rights situation in Zimbabwe. It
NORAD MISA Zambia has continued to
was decided that the frequency of the
publish books for the media fraternity.
magazine will be reduced from 4 to 3
These include: Struggle For Media Law
in 2004. The MISA website has
Reforms, which documents the struggle
undergone extensive ‘restructuring’
for media reforms and suggests the way
and as such does not provide a
forward for media campaigns.
reliable forum for online publishing.
State of the Media in Zambia. This book
• As an advocacy entity MISA Swaziland
highlights the activities of the media in
through the newsletter, Khulumani,
Zambia from pre-colonial days to date.
has been able to adequately address
Sustainability of Independent
media and gender issues.
Newspapers, which tries to answer the
• MISA South Africa decided it would
many problems that are faced by the
start by producing an electronic
independent media tackling all aspects of
fortnightly newsletter. It plans to
their operation.
produce a magazine-type newsletter in
Issue based journalism: As the name
the 2004/2005 year.
suggests this book written by a renowned • MISA Zimbabwe only managed to print
media trainer Edem Djokotoe urges
one edition of the intended 3 editions
journalists to be more focused in their
of its newsletter because the Media
reportage not only on the political front
and Information Commission has since
but other social, economic and other
requested MISA-Zimbabwe to register
spheres of society
as a mass media service under AIPPA
Zimbabwe: One edition of newsletter
citing the newsletter and other
publications from MISA Secretariat.
The chapter is challenging the matter
in court and has decided to suspend
our newsletter.
MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


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