Legislation on audio-visual communication has been adopted, applied and
envisages a favourable environment for public, commercial and community
Note has to be taken that in Mali the creation of audio-visual organs, radios in particular,
has preceded the laws. Various legislative and regulatory laws exist formally, favouring a
diversity of programmes.
Decree no. 92-022 determining the conditions and procedures to obtain, suspend or
recess the authorisation to create a private sound broadcasting service by a hertz
ground line in frequency modulation;
Ordinance no. 92-337/P-CTSP regarding the authorisation to create private audiovisual communication services;
Interministerial Order no. 92 Mc-Mat/Ctsp/Ass-Mscp setting the specifications for
private broadcasting services by a hertz ground line in frequency modulation.
Order no. 95 0331 Mfc-Cab setting the fees applicable to private audio-visual
communication services;
Decree no. 02-227/P-RM of 10 May 2002 regarding the status type of private sound
broadcasting services by a hertz ground line in frequency modulation;
Decree no. 03-264/P-RM of 7 July 2003 determining the conditions of eligibility,
attribution and management of public aid to the press.

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