Sector 2
The media landscape is characterized by diversity, independence and durability.

A wide spectrum of sources of information (written, audio-visual, Internet) is
available and accessible to citizens.
Mali certainly represents a unique case regarding:
180 private radios in modulation on the entire territory;
a national radio and 6 regional stations;
the city is the domain of predilection of the written press, counting 164 independent
papers of which only about thirty appear more or less regularly. To this have to be
added the State media with a national daily in French and other publications in
national languages in rural areas.
The State does not have a television monopoly. Africable, a private channel, did initially
broadcast with the ambition to cover the entire Africa. Today, the channel makes
televised productions.
Two private companies (Multi Canal and Mali vision) ensuring broadcasting, feature with
a bouquet of cryptated foreign television channels. The national percentage of
televisual coverage is about 75%.
In the radio sector, 4 foreign programmes are fully or partially relayed by national, public
or private organs. Broadcasting of foreign sound and televisual programmes has not been
regulated as yet in Mali.
The Internet being fully urban, is of high impact with relative accessibility.
The sources of information are available and variable.
Individual marks:





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